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Author Topic: Questionable scoring....  (Read 18838 times)

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Questionable scoring....
« on: September 18, 2018, 11:39:00 AM »
So...at the competition in Bacon County last weekend (a very well-run comp, by the way), there were some very questionable scores. How can a team drop two stunts and still get full DOD points, and be only 2 points behind another team who dropped NO stunts, had NO bobbles, and had NO missing body positions or stunts pulled?? I can understand being outscored on tumbling if one team has fulls and the whole team (except the two hiding in the back) does standing tucks. And again, getting outscored on dance, just because of subjective judging? Many questions were raised over these scores, not just by the runner-up team, but by just about every other team's coaches as well.  It appears that one particular team is being judged by reputation and name, and by what judges assume they can do, rather than by actual performance.  The rest of us have to fight for every single point.  Politics rule, apparently.

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Re: Questionable scoring....
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2018, 03:31:31 PM »
Glad to see this website/vent back . I think I know which team and opposing teams you are referring to.  Now with that said, I also do not claim to be an expert on cheer competitions, but have been to my share. I will say a clean routine does not always produce a winner. I have been to several comps where a squad nailed what I thought was a perfect routine. Later, another team comes along with, a for a lack of words(harder, more difficult) routine and was pronounced the winner.  This is my opinion, but I think it all depends on the DOD, in every part of the routine. I think teams raise the bar giving themselves a little room for miscues. Not sure about this particular instance but if a team nails a routine and the routine is average , it doesn’t always seem to produce a winner.  I think it’s part of the sport.  Again, my opinion. Not sure politics are involved but the harder/extensive routines normally win out. Not sure if this helped, hurt, was informative or even trash , just an opinion from a cheer fan.


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