The Executive Director shall have the authority to work with any school that is geographically isolated within its region in order to resolve difficulties in travel and time out of class.An individual school shall be considered to be isolated if the average distance from that school to all other schools in the region is 100 miles or more one way.The decision to place a school in a higher or lower classification will be based on a combination of factors that include travel distances and school population size.If two or three schools in a region are considered to be isolated (even if the average travel distance is less than 100 miles one way), the Reclassification Committee shall be authorized to place those schools in another classification based on travel distances and school population size.If four or more schools in a region are considered to be isolated (even if the average travel distance is less than 100 miles one way), the Reclassification Committee shall be authorized to form a subdivided region in which crossover games with the other subdivision will not be mandatory for region standing.[/color]
Further, when placed into a new classification, schools have 14 days to say they want to compete at a higher level. They cannot compete down. Regions will be decided in January.